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finding adventure

Which one of these are you?


I’m fine, everything is fine, the job is fine, etc.  But…I don’t want to be ‘fine’.  I know there is more out there than just ‘fine’.


Things are stale.  I’m coping with the status quo.  I crave something different.


I have a goal.  It’s a big one, but I want to do it.  And I would like some help, because I’m not 100% how the goal-story unfolds and I feel like it's the right thing to do.


Somebody:  “Oh, that’s great (your name), you really have it all.  I sure am jealous…you have it all going on.”

You (replying out loud):  “Well, thanks, I’m just grateful for what we have and it all seems to be working.   Thank you.”

You (thinking to yourself):  “Yeah, not so much.”

Don’t cope, don’t settle, don’t be unfulfilled.  Don’t allow yourself to wallow in a rut.  Love yourself (and those around you) enough to understand this: Life. Is. Short.  I get it.  You’re unhappy.  That’s okay…it happens.  But the part where it becomes tragic is when you don’t do anything about it.  Or when you cope by buffering with over indulgence or tolerating pain or numbing yourself to reality.

You want to stop coping and contending with your unhappiness? 

Adventure.  A big audacious goal.  Physical challenges.  Goals.  Action. 

These are the antidotes to your malaise. 

Hit me up.  We’ll fix your wagon. 

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