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leadership development


What is your ideal leadership performance? What qualities, beliefs, attitudes, and skills would you need to possess for your ideal performance to occur? 


Mastery orientation versus performance orientation?  With which one do you approach leadership?  


Which types of goals are directing your actions?  Performance-avoidance goals?  Performance-approach?  Mastery?  Core goals?  Strategic goals?


You can increase your leadership skills through intentionality and practice.

As part of your development, you will have access to an Energy Leadership Index assessment.  We will explore how your Energetic Profile determines your overall  potential in leadership (and life).


Perform to the best of your ability by understanding the 6 Influencers that impact your leadership capabilities.


Learn the 10 Disciplines demonstrated by highly successful leaders.  You will learn them, then practice them, and finally, live them. You will shift your attitude and belief system.  You will raise your overall energy for leadership (and life).   You will lead from a highly conscious perspective.

As a certified COR.E Leadership Dynamics Specialist, I help leaders become stronger, more effective, more resilient, better communicators, and more comfortable in their own skin.

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