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SteadyBetter coaching

Executive and Leadership Coaching

“Steady”...understanding and stabilizing your current situation. 

"Better"...defining your goals and a path to you reaching your goals.


If you are not fully settled and need some help, let’s talk.  Do you want the “double win”—work life and personal life success?  Are you dealing with overwhelm?  Maybe you want to reduce anxiousness and implement more control.  Are you craving “steady”?  More calm, more peaceful times?


Do you have an audacious goal?  Interested in being a stronger leader?  If you feel like there is a better, brighter future for you and just need help seeing it right now, reach out.  Are you ready to take action because staying in the status quo isn’t sustainable?  I can help.


“You can do anything you want if you set your mind to it”. 

How liberating is that?  Did you hear that when you were young?  If so, have you forgotten it?  Let's re-introduce you to a mindset that helps you excel.  Let’s “Steady Your Steady and Try Your Better” together. 


Two people working towards your goals?  Sounds a little better than just one, yes?


“Wade has a way of connecting with people that is both refreshing and reassuring.”


Whether you're struggling with career decisions, leadership challenges, work/life imbalance, or simply looking to crush your current goal, I have the knowledge, tools, compassion, and enthusiasm to help you get where you want.


“This is specific to me and I don’t know how valuable it is as a testimonial, but, honestly, my relationship with Wade…I view it as a friendship, rather than a coach/client relationship.  He has been there for me (unprompted, spontaneously) at times when I wasn’t really expecting him, but definitely at a time when—in hindsight—I probably needed him.”

You can take the steps towards your full potential and live the life of which you've dreamed.

Energy leadership index assessment

Everyone benefits from completing the attitudinal assessment Energy Leadership Index (ELI). 

Let’s Steady Your Steady and TRY Your Better


The “SteadyBetter” approach is to fully define your current status (and future goals).  What is your current situation?  Is it as Steady as you want it to be?


Is your life held in place by a tried-and-true foundation that allows you to ride out turbulent times?  Everyone has a definition of their foundation that is unique to each person.  Let’s make sure that your foundation is strong and true.  And…if you aren’t where you want to be as it relates to your current situation, we can get you there.  Before future progress can be chased with the most focus and energy, we need to secure today.


“I appreciate Wade.  He has a way of making me feel reassured and less stressed.  His coaching has a way of parting the clouds and allows me to re-focus and see a bigger picture.  Also, his optimism is contagious…his humor is appreciated!”

TRY Your Better

Once we’ve established a strong (or mostly strong) foundation, we will start to “Try Your Better”.  This will be an examination of where you want to go.  Do you want to be a stronger, more confident leader?  Are you seeking a change in your work/life balance?  Do you have an audacious goal?

 Your ascension or path forward is not pursued alone nor is it forced.  We take the approach of "Trying" your Better.  If you get there and realize it's not sustainable or is no longer you, we pivot.  We’ll work together as a team to identify goals, increments of progress, strategies to advance, and pathways to success.  And then we assess.  Good?  We hang or keep going.  Not good?  We pivot.


“One of the most sincere and genuine people I’ve met.”

What are we talking about?

This journey can begin today.  The first step is for us to connect.  We'll have a conversation.  And, if it feels good, we'll discuss what a custom package of support looks like for you.  It's entirely customized to your needs and desires.

Call me at 608-633-1803

“Let me introduce you to your 'optional life'.  It's the one that you can create for yourself.  It's the life where you actually reach your goals.  It's the one where you are living the life you deserve.  This 'optional life' is the one where you don't spin in your head with thoughts of 'I wonder if...'.   You can have an intentional future. 

Or you can live your 'default future' that awaits you as if we've never met.

You and I teaming up and pulling in the same direction can change the trajectory of the rest of your life."  


    Wade Riniker


Wade Riniker

Certified Professional Coach


Husband  Father  Coach  Government appointee  Board of directors  Youth sports coach (18 seasons)  Volunteer  Midwest work ethic  College football national champion  Rodeo cowboy  Freefall parachutist  Log construction graduate  Musician  Backcountry winter explorer  Mountain climber  Heli-skier  Sub-7-minute miler  Ski patroller  Cold plunge enthusiast.

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